101st Celebration of WDMR, Macau

January 18th, 2015.

The program of “Migrant Day” began with the mass by the Bishop of Macau and concelebrated with the priests from different congregations and different nationalities at St. Augustine Church. The mass began at 10:30 am and around 800 migrants attended the mass. The purpose of this Migrant Day is that not to look at the differences that we have but to appreciate what we have in common. Those are the people who migrated to Macau with different purposes and different reasons. Just as the Bishop said in his homely “We are one, we are the same in God’s family no matter what our nationality is or where we come from”. The motto of this celebration is “Church without frontiers, Mother of all.” During the mass, the Bishop made different intentions for the migrants.

After the mass was followed by agape buffet lunch at the St. Joseph auditorium. There were different kinds of food from different countries. After lunch, there was cultural shows from different countries. They are— Philippine traditional dance performed by Philippine community. Myanmar (Burmese) traditional water festival dance, performed by Myanmese (Burmese) community. Indonesia traditional dance, Vietnam traditional dance, East Timor traditional dance was performed by Dominican Sisters from East Timor and others performances were performed in singing traditional songs. The Dominican Brothers and the Dominican Sisters from Myanmar performed Karen (Kayin) traditional dance. All the people enjoyed showing their own traditional performances and watching others traditional performances. All, those who participated in this program could feel the togetherness and being one in God’s love. As the motto says, Church without frontiers, those people from different countries did not feel the wall between them that they are in the same family of the Mother Church.