Vocation is a gift. It is a gift from God. Everyone in this world has received a vocation, a call from God. There are a variety of vocations: vocation to married life, vocation to live a celibate life, or vocation to live a single life. There is also a vocation to be, for instance, a teacher, a doctor, a carpenter, a priest, a consecrated person, etc.

In all these vocations God calls us to live a happy life. No one is called to live a sorrowful life, or to live a bad or immoral life…
When we are happy with our lives and we find peace in our journey, we know then that it is God’s will, God’s plan for us.

Sometimes it happens that we do not understand God’s calling for us; at times we do not even like our job or our vocation. Sometimes other people do not understand our vocation, either. In any case, we need to understand that we did not choose to be born into this world, but it was God who created us; that He calls us and gives us different missions in life, all ordered in the end to our happiness: to praise Him and to serve our sisters and brothers.

Consecrated Life is one particular vocation, a gift from God. It is a call to offer ourselves totally to Him; to detach ourselves from the world and live for God alone, in the service of the Church and of mankind.

We could say that being totally consecrated to God is a call to figuratively open wide both our arms, lifting up our right hands high while keeping our left hand lower down: with our left hands we receive the supplications, tears, and joys of the world and offer them up to God in heaven; in turn, with our right hand, we receive the blessings, the graces and the healings from God and offer them down to mankind on earth.

In addition, as Dominican clerical brothers, which is a very special form of consecrated life, endowed with the priestly ministry, we are called to stand by the altar of God and act in the name of Christ the Head of the Church as mediators between God and humanity.

Author: Bro. Rolindo Tilman Moniz O.P