The community attended a theology public lecture presented by Rev Fr. David Goodill, O.P., a visiting professor at the University of St. Joseph, on the evening of November 24th. The topic is “Making Hope Real,” which is a reflection on the Christian concept of Hope. The lecture examined how St. Thomas’ understanding of hope is informed by his understanding of the cardinal virtues.
The talk was integrated with the Vespers of the memorial of Saint Andrew Dng-Lc, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs. The magnificent 16th-century St. Dominic Church was filled with the chanting of psalms conducted by the friars.
Students and teachers from the faculty of philosophy and religious studies, including the dean of the faculty, Fr. Cyril Law, as well as sisters from several congregations and other interested parties, were there.
Following the talk, group photos were taken. Indeed, it was an evening rich with intellectual and spiritual nourishments.

Group photo after lecture (Photo Credit- Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies, USJ FB)