Bro. Stephen Saw Lej O.P.

Together with the bishop, concelebrants and members of the Congregation
The Congregation of Missionary Dominican Sisters of the Rosary have been present in Macau since 1949. There are four communities of Sisters now in Macau and one of them is the formation house for new candidates in Taipa Peninsula. The novices go to the Philippines for their canonical year after accomplishing their studies at the University of Saint Joseph. Seven novices who had recently finished their novitiate, made their simple profession in the presence of Sr. Asunta Fang, the Provincial Coordinator of the Province of Queen of China.
The occasion was celebrated with the holy Eucharist presided by His Excellency Stephen Lee, Bishop of Macau. It took place at the chapel of Saint Joseph’s Seminary at 11:00 am, on 24 September 2016.
The bishop, in his homily, gave a short reflection regarding the religious profession, the meaning of religious life in the Church and the calling of God. He also encouraged the newly professed sisters to totally trust in their community, to imitate the simple living style of our Lady, the Mother of the Church, and to follow Jesus Christ steadfastly.
Some professors, students of Religious Studies, guests and relatives of the sisters and representatives from different religious congregations were also present during the mass. The Dominican friars and student brothers also gave their support to the celebration cooperating with the student sisters by singing hymns in the mass. The presence and prayers of the assembly accompanied and strengthened in many ways the newly professed sisters along their vocational paths.

Seven Newly Professed Sisters
The newly professed sisters are from different countries, namely:
(1) Sr. Nelia Soares Da Silva Pinheiro (East Timor)
(2) Sr. Leonarda Da C. Evangelista (East Timor)
(3) Sr. Mariana Dos Santos Barreto (East Timor)
(4) Sr. Roberta Moniz Soares (East Timor)
(5) Sr. Beatrix Thomasia Pias Kahlasi (Indonesia)
(6) Sr. Maria (Myanmar)
(7) Sr. Cherropihtun (Myanmar)