On June 24, 2014, nine brothers from our studentate in St. Dominic’s Priory renewed their simple profession during the morning Community Mass. Fr. José Luis de Miguel, OP, Prior, received the brothers’ personal and free decision to continue their commitment to the religious vows, obedience to Christ through the Dominican Constitutions, and willingness to accept being sent to the missions of the Dominican Missionary Province of Our Lady of the Rosary.

The brothers who said YES to the Dominican call and renewed their resolve to continue being Dominicans for one or two more years are the following:

Paul Thu Reh

Michael Tony

Pio Yu Yousin

Joseph Tran Van Huong

Francis Naw San

Ignatius Ngo Van Thu Giang

Peter Kyaw Thinn

James Ye Min Tun

Abraham Nin Ki Gei

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Three other brothers of our studentate renewed their simple profession in their respective country. They are:

Michael Song Jeong Sin

Francis Nge Nge

Peter Zya Reh

  To the twelve brothers, another name has to be added: the name of brother Joseph Pakhu, who renewed his simple profession once more and for one year on June 27, 2015. It is understood that the renewal of the religious profession is done as another step on the way to the solemn profession.

The profession ceremony was simple and meaningful. Appropriate songs marked joyfully the spiritual rhythm of the unique event: “Here I am Lord. I come to do your will.”

The Priory continues praying for the perseverance and happiness of the brothers who decided to continue journeying with us in their following of Christ by the path of St. Dominic and with the help of Mother Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary.

To one and all: Warm and fraternal congratulations!