By the religious profession in an institute of consecrated life, one dedicates himself or herself to God freely, without any force or fear, following Christ willingly to live out the evangelical counsels in an institute of consecrated life of one’s own choice. In this way, the baptismal consecration becomes more fully effective.
In every religious Order or Congregation, there are simple (temporary) profession and solemn (perpetual) profession. The former is made for one, two or three years, while the latter is made for life (until death). The length of the simple profession depends on each religious Order’s statutes and norms. For the Dominican Friars in the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary, the first profession is currently made for two years and then renewed either for one or two years until the solemn profession, which takes place within a maximum period of six years.
Saint Dominic’s Priory in Macau belongs to the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary, which welcomes brothers from the different countries or places where it is present: Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Myanmar, East Timor, Spain, and Venezuela. The Province’s international Novitiate is in Hong Kong; and its main Studentate is here in Macao, where the student brothers course their institutional studies of Philosophy and Theology. We currently are 40 brothers, of which 29 are simple professed. This is why we witness every year either the renewal of profession or the solemn profession of some of its members.
On the 21st of June of this year 2019, five Dominican Brothers, namely, Mannes John Kim, Gabriel Khun Ri, Benedito de Jesus, Francisco Sufa, and Luigi Yu Reh, renewed their profession for one year. Likewise, on the 8th of September, another group of seven, namely, Stephen Saw Lej, Marko Thoe Reh, Francis Bu Ling, Richard Htoo, Gabriel Ko Ko, Justin Saw Kaung, and Fermin Saw Simon, did the same for two years, that is, until 2021.

The Prior of the community, Fr Jose Luis de Miguel, OP, was the one who received the profession of both batches, during the conventual Mass presided over by him, concelebrated by the other member priests of the community, and witnessed by the student brothers and some lay faithful. In his homily, he congratulated the brothers who were about to renew their profession, and he also reminded them that “the renewal of the evangelical counsels is not mainly focused on the strict observance of the norms, but rather towards letting our hearts be opened to welcome Him whose love and mercy for his people we all are called to preach.”
After the Mass, there was picture-taking, and the brothers who had just renewed their vows signed the corresponding testimonial letter of renewal in the presence of the Prior, the Master of Students (Fr. Javier Gonzalez) and his Assistant (Fr. Lawrence The Reh). Our sincere congratulations to them all.