Brother Peter Zya Reh, OP is the newest member of our community, of St. Dominic’s Priory in Macau. Bro. Peter is from Myanmar. After completing one year novitiate, Bro. Peter made his first simple profession as a Dominican of the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary on December 15, 2013 at St. Albert’s Priory, Rosaryhill, Hong Kong.

Brother Peter Zya Reh, now assigned to the Studentate in St. Dominic’s Priory, took up three years of philosophical studies at St. Francis Xavier Major Seminary in Singapore. After taking a short vacation in his hometown, Loikaw, Myanmar, he arrived in Macau on the 17th of January 2014.

All the twenty eight members of the Dominican community in Macau warmly and joyfully welcomed Brother Peter. We all pray and hope that he will enjoy the new environment and the new community. We assure him of our help and support, as we continue to support each other and face together good and bad times. Now, our new brother will continue his philosophical and theological studies at the Faculty of Christian Studies of the University of Saint Joseph.

May the good Lord bless him and guide him in his community life and studies, and may he be faithful to his Dominican vocation.

Brother Peter Zya Reh, you are most welcomed!

(Bro. Francis Nge,  Nge, OP)