The celebration of the Holy Eucharist at St. Dominic’s Priory on May 10, 2015, the Sixth Sunday of Easter, had an added significance: the simple liturgical ritual for the installation of 16 simply professed brothers of the Priory for the Ministry of Lector and 13 among them also for the Ministry of Acolyte. Fr. Javier Gonzalez, OP, Prior Provincial of the Dominican Province of Our Lady of the Rosary, presided over the concelebrated Mass and the rites of installation. Our dear lay faithful who attend regularly our Sunday Eucharist were also present and shared in the joy and hope of the Dominican community.
The ministries of Lector, or Reader, and Acolyte are steps on the way to the “major orders†of Diaconate and Priesthood (cf. Canon 1035). Both ministries are part of the continuing formation of religious brothers and seminarians. As we read in our Dominican Constitutions: “The ministries of reader and acolyte may be given to the brothers as a way of forming them gradually and prudently in the apostolate†(LCO 215bis).
The two Ministries of Lector and Acolyte carry certain responsibilities. The function of lector is threefold: first, reading and proclaiming the Word of God in the liturgical assembly; second, instructing children and adults in the Christian faith and preparing them towards the reception of the sacraments; and third, bringing the Good News to those who have not yet received it. The function of acolyte is serving at the altar and assisting priests and deacons, and preparing the altar and the sacred vessels; when necessary, the acolyte may distribute Holy Communion to the faithful (Canon 943).
All the brothers of Saint Dominic’s Priory in Macau rejoice heartily and congratulate warmly the new readers and acolytes. By the way, almost half of the brothers who were installed as lectors and acolytes are currently preparing for their hopeful Perpetual Vows or Solemn Profession in their Dominican religious life, for the day when they will say “Yes†to the service of the Lord by the path of St. Dominic for life. Other brothers among the new lectors and acolytes hope to renew their simple profession in the Dominican Order one or two years more.
The words of Fr. Javier in his homily continue ringing in our ears: To be is to love. God is love and loved us first. Our vocation is to love others like Jesus, that is unconditionally and fully, in the first place the brothers and sisters abandoned on the margins of life. All ministries in the Church are ministries of service.
May the new lectors and acolytes respond faithfully to their new call to serve the Church and continue preparing for the deaconate and the apostolate! We all pray for our brothers, the new readers and acolytes.