On April 16-20, 2012, two important meetings of the Province were held at St. Albert’s Priory, Rosaryhill, Hong Kong: the meeting of the Provincial Council of Formation and the Extended Council of the Province. Both meetings were presided by our Prior Provincial Fr. Javier Gonzalez, OP. Among others, two main topics were addressed by the Provincial Council of Formation: the revision and updating of the Ratio Formationis Particularis (RSP) and the reports of the Brothers in charge of the different stages of formation, including postulancy, novitiate, studentate and ongoing formation. Eleven members attended the meeting (April 16-17), including three members of our St. Dominic’s Priory: Frs. Jarvis, Jose Luis and Fausto.
 For its part the Extended Council of the Province tackled on the first day, the approval of 2011 yearly accounts of the Vicariates and Houses under the Prior Provincial and the budget, including extraordinary expenses for 2012. The accounts were approved and also the extraordinary expenses. The 2012 approved extraordinary expenses of our Priory will be the following: the re-modeling and re-equipment of our kitchen, the closing or covering up of the open balconies in the different floors, and repairs of some walls and floors of the building. On the second day, many items were discussed: the reading and approval of the acts from the meetings of the different Vicariates; special matters from various Vicariates, and themes on formation. Among the items on formation: the approval of the RSP presented by Fr. Javier, who shall send the text to the Master of the Order Fr. Bruno for final approval. Other matters treated were the initial preparation of the next Provincial Council to be held in Avila about the end of September, 2013, and also some from the Dominican Curia in Rome. Twenty four members attended the Council of the Province: members from Hong Kong –Macau, from the convents and houses in Asia and from the Vicariate of Spain. The embers of our Priory that attended the Provincial Council were: Frs. Alex and José, the Regent of Studies and the Master of Students.
 Among the members attending the two Councils, some were able to visit our Priory: Fr. Fernando Muñoz, missionary in Myanmar; Frs. Pedro Juan and Fernando Mañero from our Convents in Madrid; Fr. Pedro Luis Gonzalez, from our House in Rome.