On the 28th of January, the feast day of our brother St Thomas Aquinas, St Dominic’s Priory organised a talk in his honour. The speaker this year was our own brother fr James Dominic Rooney, OP who is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Hong Kong Baptist University. His talk was entitled “Not a Hope in Hell”. In the talk he gave a brief discussion on the relationship between Grace and Free Will as well as the possibility of Hell.

The Dominican Family in Macau was in attendance as well as some guests from the University of Saint Joseph, particularly the Rector, Rev. Stephen Morgan, and the Dean of the Faculty of Religious Studies and Philosophy, Fr Franz Gassner. After the talk, there was celebration of Holy Mass for the Feast of St Thomas Aquinas and lunch followed.

The talk itself was quite enlightening and definitely caused some questions or thoughts to rise up in our minds. The gathering of the Dominican Family was a lively one since it is like a big family gathering wherein we gathered together and experienced each other’s company.