Lay Dominicans are Catholics, men or women, single or married, called by the Lord to live according to the way of life of the followers of St Dominic de Guzmán (1170-1221), ‘preaching’ and giving Christian testimony in a variety of ways in this our increasingly secularized society.
While living in their own secular environment, they are fully incorporated members of the 800 hundred years old Order of Preachers, present today in numerous nations of the world and involved in a variety of apostolates, living out their Dominican vocation in the world.
 “They have as their vocation to radiate the presence of Christ in the midst of the peoples so that the divine message of salvation be known and accepted everywhere by the whole of humankindâ€. (From the Rule of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic).
Lay Dominicans preach primarily in the marketplace or wherever their station in life finds them. They preach by their lives and example, and when opportunity arises, with their voices as well. When possible, Dominican Lay men and women pursue study, particularly in theology, Scripture, and catechesis in order to preach well when called upon to do so.
As other members of the Dominican Family, Lay Dominicans come from a variety of backgrounds and occupations, united by their common mission of living and announcing the Gospel to all, especially with their testimony of life.
Although the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic –lay branch of the Dominican Family, formerly called “Third Order†or “Dominican Tertiariesâ€- were officially founded with their own rule in 1285 and were officially recognized by the Church on the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas in 1286, Lay Dominicans have existed almost as long as the Dominican Order itself.
Here the pictures we would like to share with you!
The Documents related (Please click and see the link): The Establisment Documents of The lay Dominicans of The Province