A human person is by nature a social being and needs companionship with his fellow men. Naturally, all men have the desire to love others and to be loved in return, sharing all the joys and pains they have.
So, here we are, brothers! We come from different parts of the world to live together in community, and share everything we have. It seems impossible to live with people who have different backgrounds, cultures and behaviors. But the truth is we have something in common, that is, following the footsteps of Christ by way of preaching the Gospel with humility and patience. Because we have the same vision we are able to live as brothers though we were strangers at the beginning. In fact, the place in which we live is our home, and all the members of the community are our family. So, all we have to do is to love, care and help the community the best we can because this is the place where we belong and to no other places may we wander.
Brotherly relationship is enriched by caring for each other in times of need, and by encouraging the brothers in times of sorrow. Brotherly love, understanding and forgiveness are the remedies that every brother should hold on throughout our lives to be able to live fraternal life. Understandably, in our communities there are at times conflicts, and argumentations arise among members. Of course, we are just imperfect human beings. But let us be aware of this: we achieve perfection through imperfection. Out of love, fraternal corrections are made in order to strengthen further relationship, if necessary.
Christ is the good model of fraternal love. He himself showed brotherly love to his followers. For the sake of love, he took human form and became man like one of us. He, indeed, loved his people so much that this love brought Him to the altar of the cross to save all men from the slavery of sin and thus allow us to become co-heirs in the Father’s house. By washing the feet of the disciples, he showed simplicity and service that are needed by all. All Christ has shown to us is just purely love that overcame the power of death. By now, one can see that with love, everything can happen at any time. Love alone can soften a heart of stone into a heart of flesh. No hatred and evil can resist the goodness of love.
We ask the Lord for his blessings! May we serve each other regardless of age and status! May we have the strength to bear our daily cross in following Christ’s footsteps! May loving one another as we love ourselves and taking our personal responsibilities in the community please God, and inspire the people who are around us by seeing our way of life. Moreover, respect and fidelity are present as well. Then, there may be brotherly love among us and we may be at peace.
Bro. Francis Naw San, O. P.
St. Dominic’s Priory, March 29, 2013