On April 25, 2015, the Dominican brothers of St. Dominic’s Priory and the Dominican sisters of the Holy Rosary gathered together at the sisters’ convent of Our Lady of Carmel in Taipa, Macau to celebrate the feast of Saint Catherine of Siena, the great 14th century Dominican saint, virgin and doctor of the Church. Considering that her feast day is on April 29, a working day this year, its celebration was advanced to the previous Saturday.
The celebration began at six in the evening with the opening song, which was followed by the praying of psalms. Pertinent songs were elegantly sandwiched between the various parts of the well-thought out program. Then the presentation of the life of St. Catherine and the relevance of her teachings today followed. The sisters did a great job in presenting movingly and even passionately the life and works of the great Dominican mystic and apostle. Some scenes of Catherine’s life were realistically portrayed by the young sisters and captured in beautiful video clips.
Thereafter, an aspirant of the sisters’ community shared some interesting personal comments. Recalling what Fr. Felicisimo Martinez OP had said in his homily to them, she expressed her conviction that sisters must also preach. They should also preach to the Fathers and not just the Fathers preaching to them – the sisters. In her sharing, she emphasized Catherine’s teaching that distinguishes between our desire for gifts and our desire for the giver of these gifts: “Those who are afire with love look only to God, the giver, and not the giftâ€; “the gift is loved because of God, the giver, and not because of the gift’s consolation.†Moreover, the inspired aspirant stressed Catherine’s conviction that God calls each of us to mystical union, no matter how weak and imperfect we are.
After the insightful sharing, the sisters sung together “Saint Dominic Superstar†in Spanish. With this song, the main part of the celebration of St. Catherine of Siena ended gloriously. The lover of “the Sweet Jesus†and of the poor and of the Church is always attractive, always relevant, always calling us Dominicans to drink of the waters of her Dialogue and Letters and follow her Dominican path.
The next part of the celebration was a fraternal/sisterly agape: a delicious banquet shared by all. All the participants enjoyed the varied and tasteful foods joyfully and competently prepared by the sisters. Thus the real love of the Dominican family was wonderfully witnessed. Around 8 pm, the celebration ended. The celebration was as beautiful as the sunset of the day and as the sisters who organized it so well.
Bro. Paul Aung Myint Win OP