Jarvis Sy O.P.
The closing of the Jubilee celebrations for the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary took place on 22 December, 2016 at the historic São Domingos Church at the historic center of the city.
There was no other venue more appropriate for the occasion as it was the first Dominican foundation in Chinese soil, despite the fact that the foundation was short lived and was transferred to the Portuguese friars, the historic Church remains as a symbol of the Province’s undying commitment to evangelize the “ancient kingdom of China and its neighbouring kingdomsâ€, the unfinished encounter with the Chinese people, a desiderata that has perdured through centuries.
The thanksgiving mass began at 5:00 pm with Msgr. Stephen Lee Bun San, the Bishop of Macau as main celebrant, assisted by  Fr. Javier González, Prior Provincial of the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary Province, Fr. Hyacinth He Yousun, Socius of the Provincial and Prior of Saint Albert Priory, (Rosaryhill, HK), Fr. Timoteo Merino, the Master of Novices, Fr. Bonifacio GarcÃa SolÃs, ex Provincial and Syndic of the Province and Fr Manoel Machado, the Vicar General of the Macau Diocese.

Msgr. Stephen Lee Bun San, the Bishop of Macau as main celebrant and the concelebrants
The concelebrants –the brethren from Macau and HK communities- as well as some members of the Diocesan and Religious clergy of Macau, were led in the solemn procession by the huge Dominican cross from the Priory which was carried by the novice Brother Carlos  and the Book of the Gospel by Brother Luigi. They processed through the main nave of the Church as the joint choir of the student brothers, novices, sisters and postulants began to sing the Jubilee Song of the Order.
The bishop upon approaching the altar began the incensation of the altar and the crucifix and began the liturgy. Clad in heavy red brocade, with the co-concelebrants in more somber red chasubles and stoles, (to mark the festive tone of the celebrations as well as to commemorate the witnessing of the martyrs of the Province!!!) he began to lead the Confiteor. After the recitation of the collect of the day, the assembly proceeded to the Liturgy of the Word.
The first reader was Brother Ben Lei Chi Hang OP, a Macau resident and professed student brother. He read the first reading from the book of Samuel in Cantonese. The responsorial psalm was sung by two postulants from our Sisters community: the Timorese Dionisia Salsiha Maia and the Burmese Sabina Themar whose angelic voices led the chanting of the responsorial psalm. An additional reading on the charism of preaching was read by Sister Julieta da Costa our Timorese Dominican sister working in the diocese. After the joyous singing the Gospel acclamation, Fr. Edmund Eh OP, a Singaporean friar and the Moderator of Studies/ Director of the Center of Studies read the Gospel on the Magnificat.
(The First Reading by Brother Ben Lei Chi Hang OP, The responsorial psalm by two postulants from our Sisters community: the Timorese Dionisia Salsiha Maia and the Burmese Sabina Themar
After the solemn reading of the Gospel, the Bishop took the ambo and preached on the figure of Mary and the role and charism of the Order; making beautiful reference on the Marian canticle.

Fr. Fausto Gómez, the Subprior of Macau and     the Provincial Promoter of the Jubilee
After the homily, Fr. Fausto Gómez, the Subprior of Macau and the Provincial Promoter of the Jubilee, led the congregation for the Act of praise and thanksgiving for the gift of the Dominican vocation. This dialogued special prayer was based on the “act of praise†used during the annual Day of Consecrated Life when men and women religious reaffirm their commitment to the gospel. Four Dominicans were invited to respond: a professed student brother (Brother Joseph Tran Van Huong, a Vietnamese), a novice (Brother Christian Conlon, an Australian), a Maryknoll Sister, American, and a lay Dominican (Janet Choi). After each petition the whole assembly broke into song… After the act of praise we proceeded with the “Te Deum†as the Church reverberated with the Hymn of Holy God we praise thy name!!
Next followed the Prayer of the Faithful… there were eight intentions all in all and four persons were tasked to lead the prayers: A student brother (Brother Albert Liu, a Chinese), a novice brother (Brother Gabriel Khun Ri, a Burmese), a lay Dominican (Sister Rose Pae Alcántara- Filipina) and a woman religious (Sr. Elsamma George OP, Indian).
The next part of the liturgy was the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The offertory procession was led by the two candle bearers who led the offerers from the main door of the Church to the presbytery. The offerers were: Brother Mannes Kim (Korean) bearing the fruit basket; Sister Begoña Abad OP (Spaniard), bearing the basket of flowers; Sister Ann (American) bringing the bread and sister Marian Navarro Yip (Filipina) carrying the cruets of wine and water. They marched through the great nave as the choir sang the “Veni Veni Emmanuelâ€, in Latin.
While the proper prayers for the mass and the readings were taken from the proper liturgy of the day as it was within the Major week of Advent, the Bishop allowed us to use the Proper Preface of the Patronage of Our Lady over the Order which evoked her maternal protection and inspiration in the work of Dominic and the life of the Order.
The Eucharistic Prayer III was chosen for the concelebration and the “Pater noster†was sung in Cantonese by the grand choir with aplomb.
During communion, as the congregation processed into the nave, Brother Bosco deftly played the organ with beautiful rendition of “Jesus, the joy of man’s desireâ€, to create a moment of recollection and prayerfulness.
After communion, the assembly took up to sing King’s “Dominican Magnificat†which was sang with profound emotion by the friars.
After the post communion prayer, Fr. Provincial took the opportunity to thank those who attended and to wrap up the celebration.

Fr. Javier González, Prior Provincial of the Province of Our Lady of   the Rosary Province
After the solemn blessing proper of the Advent season, Fr. Hyacinth He was asked to lead the solemn Salve with the chanting of the solemn tone of Salve Regina complete with candle bearers and bearer of the holy water vat. In the middle of the hymn, Fr. Hyacinth began to sprinkle holy water to the congregation.
The recessional began as the friars began to chant the antiphon “O Spem miram…†The commentator and liturgist was Fr Jarvis Sy and the conductor was the cantor mayor of the priory, Brother Abraham Ning Ki Gei.
Souvenirs were handed out to those who attended. They were a commemorative fan and a book on the life of S. Dominic. After the celebrations, the guests were brought to the Banquet Hall of Sintra Hotel where the guests were served with a buffet. It was about 8:30 when the dinner ended and those who had to return to HK on the same day left for the Ferry Terminal.
We thank the collaborative effort of all the brethren in the region, especially those of Macau for the preparations as well as the many details to make the celebration unforgettable.
The impressive presence of the friars in formation who were clad with the black and white habit filling the baroque Church was a great marvel to behold; not to mention the solemn Salve… It had been more than a century when this chant was sung by a great number of friars with such intense depth and emotion.