A lay group composed of eighteen members, led by Professor Jenny Lao Phillips, paid a friendly visit to the St. Dominic’s Priory of Macao on the 1st of December, 2018 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. They are members of the Macau Catholic Lay Association. With their spiritual growth in mind, the main objective of this visit was for them to know more about the presence and life of the Dominicans in Macau. In fact, it was the first time for this Association to officially visit our community since its foundation in 2006.
The encounter started with Ms. Jenny’s introduction of the group members to the Dominican community. After that, Fr. José Luis de Miguel, the Prior of the community, gave them a warm welcome to St Dominic’s Priory. Since most of the group were Cantonese speaking, Ms. Jenny had to translate the message into their native language. Then there was an opening prayer in Cantonese led by Fr. Lawrence The Reh. One of the brothers, Deacon Francis Nge Nge, acting as MC of the meeting, introduced the rundown of the program.

The most solid number of it was Fr Fausto Gomez’ short talk on the presence and life of the Dominicans in Macao. He focused on who the Dominicans are, what they are doing here in Macau, where they did come from and where they are heading to. He mentioned also the history of this Priory and of the studentate and the life of the friars. He concluded by remarking also the presence of the Dominican Family in Macau: Friars, Sisters, and Lay members.
As ‘intermission’ number the brothers sang “O Sanctissimaâ€, a traditional Latin hymn addressed to Mother Mary. A brief sharing by four student brothers, the representative from different countries, followed up the singing. There was also a short time for an open forum, with questions and answers on both sides. Then, some refreshments, courtesy of the Association, were friendly shared with all the participants while engaging in joyful and informal conversation.
The encounter was ended by gathering up together in the chapel of the Priory for the singing of “Salve Regina’’ and final blessing.
A group picture and the distribution of some souvenirs rounded off this pleasant and fruitful visit.

Andre Pereira and Stephen Lej Kapaw
The 21st of November 2018 is the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this Memorial Day, all the Women Religious in Macau gather together for the Mass in Cathedral to pray and give thanks to God. Fr. Beda Liu, S.J presided the Mass and few priests concelebrated. On this special day, the brothers from the community were invited to sing. Â After the Mass, there was some sharing of conversation among the attendances and at the same time having simple dinner at the hall of the Parish office.

On February 21, a group of four Chinese secondary students from Escola São Paulo came to St. Dominic’s Priory and made a short interview with some of our student brothers about religious vocation and Dominican life. Five of our Brothers, from different countries, welcomed the group and gave friendly responses to their inquiries. Each brother explained to them his vocational journey and the reason why and how he decided to join the Dominicans.
The youngsters were not only interested in our religious vocation and life but also wanted to hear the Brothers’ opinions on other contemporary issues, like the possibility of accepting same-sex marriage by the Church, of having married priests due to the shortage of vocations, etc. They showed interest likewise in knowing about our daily schedule, our prayers, meals, organization, and lifestyle. So towards the end of the interview, to satisfy their curiosity, we showed them the chapel, the refectory, the library, the community room and even one private room. While going around, we explained to them about St Dominic, the founder of our Order, and the significance of the Dominican symbols which they saw. They took plenty of pictures for their records.
The interview ended with words of gratitude on both sides. And since their visit coincided with the Lunar New Year’s holidays, the community gave each of them a red envelope, in keeping with the Chinese customs. It was a pleasant event.
Feliz fiesta de Santo Domingo – Happy Feastday
Queridos hermanos – Dear Brothers:
Desde el CapÃtulo Provincial deseo enviar un saludo pequeño saludo a todos los hermanos de la Provincia deseándoles un feliz dÃa e invitándoles a hacer actualidad el deseo de Nuestro Padre de que todos fuéramos mensajeros de la Palabra y de la verdad.
From the Provincial Chapter I would like to send to all the Brothers in the Province this short greeting to wish you a very happy feast-day, and at the same time, I am hereby inviting you to become true messengers of the Truth as our Father wanted.
Que a ejemplo del Fundador seamos transformados por la fuerza del EspÃritu al contemplar y reflexionar sobre la verdad para que vivificados por el misterio que contemplamos seamos agentes dinámicos de predicación capaz de arrastrar, con el testimonio de una auténtica calidad de vida, servicio y dedicación a quienes el Señor nos envÃa. Si El nos ha llamado nunca será infiel a su promesa. Hagamos pues lo que podemos y confiemos y dejémosle guiar nuestros pasos.
Let the example of our Founder allow us to be transformed by the power of the Spirit as we contemplate and reflect on the truth so that strengthened by the mystery we contemplate we may become dynamic agents of preaching. This requires enthusiasm, quality of life, service and commitment in favor of those to whom we Lord is sending us. Since he called us, let us do our best and he will be faithful to his promise. Let us do what we can and allow him to lead us along the way.
No seamos agentes pasivos sino hombres de fe e instrumentos en las manos del Señor para enfrentarnos con valentÃa a los desafÃos planteados a la iglesia, a los creyentes y a nosotros, misioneros por vocación.
Let none of us become a passive agent, but men of faith and instruments in the hands of the Lord, that we may have the wisdom and power required to confront the challenges presented to the Church and the believers and to us, missionary by vocation.
Nada podrá hacerse sin la convicción de que la refundación de la Orden y la renovación exige constancia y dinamismo. No obstante, poco haremos si no permitimos al Señor encender en nosotros la llama del amor con que Él nos ama.
Nothing would be done without the conviction that the Order has to be revitalized and renewed through a constant and dynamic process, it cannot be halted. Nevertheless, we will achieve little unless we allow the Lord to set us on fire of that love He has for us.
Que Santo Domingo interceda por nosotros, dinamice nuestras comunidades y avive la llama de la esperanza. Domingo de Guzmán, tu que prometiste ser de más ayuda desde el cielo cumple hoy con tu intercesión lo que prometiste a tus hijos.
May St. Dominic intercede for us, revitalize our community and awaken the flame of hope. Dominic of Guzman, you who promised to be of greater help to your Brothers from heaven, fulfill your promise and come to the aid of your sons and daughters.
Feliz fiesta! – Happy Feastday!
Fray Bonifacio Solis OP
Prior Provincial
The first group of members of the Lay Fraternity of Saint Dominic “Antorcha de Macau” made their first commitment last 7 May, 2017, which was Vocation Sunday.
Fr. Provincial received their promises during a simple ceremony at the Priory Chapel in the presence of close friends as well as Fr. Jose Luis de Miguel, Prior of S. Dominic’s, Fr. Jarvis Sy, the Spiritual Director and Sister Maria Lourdes Blanca of the Misioneras Dominicas del Rosario, the animator and spiritual adviser.
The members who made their commitment are: Sisters Francisca Anna Guzman, Francia Guzman, Rosie Pae Alcantara, Miriam Zingapan and Selina Ebora. Another member, Sister Anne Marie Paroy made the commitment a few days earlier as she had to return to the Philippines.
The act of commitment culminated the long years of preparation and formation to consolidate the group and to make it relevant in the Church and Society of Macau. The fraternity was established by Fr. Provincial on the occasion of the Jubilee of the Order last year 1 May, 2016 hoping that it would be a tool for evangelization and the deepening of the faith for the members.
El primer grupo de la Fraternidad Dominicana de Santo Domingo “Antorcha de Macao” hizo sus promesas el pasado 7 de mayo, domingo de las Vocaciones.
El Prior Provincial recibió dichas promesas durante una sencilla ceremonia en la capilla de nuestro Convento de Santo Domingo en Macao, en presencia de algunos amigos (futuros miembros) y de los Padres Jose Luis de Miguel (Prior del Convento de Santo Domingo), de Fr. Jarvis Sy, Director Espiritual de la Fraternidad, y de la Hermana Maria Lourdes Blanca, de las Misioneras Dominicas del Rosario, que es la animadora y alma del grupo.
​Quienes hicieron las promesas fueron las siguientes Hermanas: Francisca Anna Guzman, Francia Guzman, Rosie Pae Alcantara, Miriam Zingapan and Selina Ebora. ​Otra, Anne Marie Paroy ​habÃa hecho la promesa unos dÃas antes porque tuvo que volver a Filipinas.
La celebración fue el colofón de varios años de preparación y de formación para consolidar el grupo and hacerlo significativo en la Iglesia y en la Sociedad de Macao. La Fraternidad fue establecida por el Prior Proivncial con motivo del Jubileo de la Orden el año pasado, el dÃa 1 de mayo, con la esperanza de que sea un instrumento de evangelización y de profundización de la fe en sus miembros.
Fray Fernando, O.P.
Secretario Provincial
El dÃa 8 de mayo, 2017, en la memoria del patrocinio de la Bienaventurada Virgen MarÃa sobre la Orden de Predicadores, el Prior Provincial presidió la Misa conventual en el Convento de Santo Domingo en Macao y dió los Ministerios de Lector y de Acólito a varios de nuestros estudiantes.
On 8 May, 2017, the memoria of the patronage of the BVM over the Dominican Order, Fr Provincial presided at the Conventual mass at Saint Dominic Priory Macau and instituted the ministries of Lector and Acolyte to some of the student brothers.
Bro​.  Ignatius Ngo Van Thu Giang, OP
Bro​.  Francis Nge Nge, OP
Bro​.  Francis Naw San, OP
Bro​.  Peter Zya Reh, OP
Bro​.  Stephen Saw Lej Kapaw Htoo, OP
Bro​.  Markho Thoe Reh, OP
Bro​.  San Ti No, OP
Bro​.  Francis Bu Ling, OP
Fray Fernando, O.P.
Secretario Provincial