(Avila, 1-14 August 2011)

Santo Tomas in Avila
Conference Program
August 1 (Monday):
AM  1st Conference: Religious Profession in Our Province: Priorities (Fr Javier González)
2nd Conference: Community Life in Dominican Tradition (Fr Marcos Ruiz)
PMÂ Â 3rd Conference: Fraternal Life in Community Today (Fr Marcos Ruiz)
August 2 (Tuesday):
AM Â 1st Conference: Vocation to Religious Life (Fr Bonifacio SolÃs)
2nd Conference: Vocation Promotion (Fr Bonifacio SolÃs)
PMÂ Â 3rd Conference: Religious Life in the 2nd Vatican Council and Thereafter (Fr Marcos Ruiz)
August 3 (Wednesday):
AM  1st Conference: Prayer in the Dominican Life (Fr Angel D. Blázquez)
2nd Conference: Liturgy in our Dominican Life (Fr Angel D. Blázquez)
PM  3rd Conference: Gathering around the Word of God: Lectio Divina… (Fr Marcos Ruiz)
August 4 (Thursday):
AM  1st Conference: Study in our Dominican Life (Fr Fausto Gómez)
2nd Conference: Saint Thomas Aquinas today (Fr Fausto Gómez)
PMÂ Â 3rd Conference: The importance of Philosophy in Dominican Formation (Fr Mario Jabares)
August 5 (Friday):
AM Â 1st Conference: St Dominic and Preaching as Dominican Identity (Fr FelicÃsimo MartÃnez)
2nd Conference: Dominican Preaching Today (Fr FelicÃsimo MartÃnez)
PM  3rd Conference: Dominican Commitment to Truth and Life (Fr Fausto Gómez)
August 6 (Saturday):
August 7 (Sunday)
August 8 (Monday):
August 9 (Tuesday):
AM  1st Conference: The Missionary Beginnings of our Province (Fr Miguel Angel Sanromán)
2nd Conference: The Missions of our Province: Overview (Fr Miguel Angel Sanromán)
PMÂ Â 3rd Conference: Our Lady of the Rosary, Patroness of the Province (Fr Sansegundo G.)
August 10 (Wednesday):
AM Â 1st Conference: Our Martyrs: General Profile (Fr Jarvis Sy)
2nd Conference: Our Martyrs: Their Significance for us (Fr Jarvis Sy)
PM  [Guided Visit to the Monasterio de Santo Tomás and Museo Oriental]
August 11 (Thursday):
AM  1st Conference: Governance in the Dominican Order (Fr Pedro Luis González)
2nd Conference: The Administration of Temporal Goods in the Province (Fr José Salas)
PMÂ Â 3rd Conference: Evangelization and Interreligious Dialogue (Fr Roman Carter)
August 12 (Friday):
AM Â 1st Conference: Unity in Diversity: Interculturalism in our Province (Fr Jarvis Sy)
2nd Conference: The Challenge of Intercultural Communities (Fr Pedro L. González)
PM  WORKSHOP: Building up our Dominican Identity (c/o Fr Javier González, Fr Marcos Ruiz & Participants)
August 13 (Saturday) to 15 (Monday):
[Guided visit to Dominican places in SOUTHERN FRANCE]
A preaching camp is being held in Korbielów in Poland from the 23rd to 29th of August 2011. Bro Peter John Cameron O.P. will be the presenter and the topic is“Preaching the Inner Dimension of the Word of Godâ€. The language of the camp is English. Some of the titles to be treated are: Dominican Preaching in the Post-Verbum Domini Church; The role of experience in Preaching – Insights of Thomas Gilby, OP; Preaching the Blessed Virgin Mary – Christ leads us to His mother.
Date: 23-29.08.2011
(day of arrival: 22.08)
Place: Korbielów, Poland
Korbielów convent is situated in Beskidy mountains near the border with Czech Republic.
Presenter: Peter John Cameron, O.P.
Topic: Preaching the Inner Dimension
of the Word of God
Day 1: Dominican Preaching in the Post-Verbum Domini
Day 2: The Role of Experience in Preaching: Insights of
Thomas Gilby, O.P.
Day 3: Christ the Poet: Poetry and the Theopoetics of
Day 4: Structure in Preaching: A Hollywood Screenwriting
Day 5: Developing a Preaching Style: Insights of Flannery
Day 6: Preaching the Blessed Virgin Mary: Christ Leads us to
His Mother
Peter John Cameron, O.P., was ordained in 1986. He holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in playwriting
from the Catholic University of America. His first play Full of Grace was granted the David Lloyd
Kreeger Creativity Award and was performed in showcase at the Kennedy Center, Washington, D.C.
After teaching theatre for two years at Providence College, he was appointed Director of Creative
Affairs for Paulist Productions—a Catholic film company in Los Angeles. While in California, he
studied screenwriting at the American Film Institute and at UCLA. He served as the religious
consultant on Francis Ford Coppola’s film Dracula. In 1998, Peter John founded Blackfriars Repertory
Theatre—a revival of the original Blackfriars Theatre, a New York based theatre run by the Province
of Saint Joseph from 1940-1972 that was the longest continuously-operated Off-Broadway theatre in
American stage history. In 2004 the Knights of Columbus commissioned Peter John to write a play
about their founder, the Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney—it is entitled He Was Our Father. Peter
John is a member of the Dramatist’s Guild, the Director of Preaching for the Province of Saint
Joseph, the author of Why Preach: Encountering Christ in God’s Word, and the Editor-in-Chief of
All brothers are invited. The language of the camp is English. The camp will be attended by
brothers from different provinces. The cost of stay will be paid by Polish Province.
For more information ask bro. Åukasz Detmer OP, email:
Dominican Regents of Studies of the Asia pacific Region met in Manila on January 21-22, 2011. Of the seven Regents, five were able to participate in the meeting: Fr. Paulson Deepak, Regent of the Province of India; Fr. Roland Mactal, Regent of the Philippine Province, Fr. Philip Pan, Regent of the Chinese General Vicariate of Taiwan, Fr. Fausto Gomez, Regent of Our Lady of the Rosary Province, and Fr. Hilary Martin Representative of the Regent of the Province of Australia/New Zealand. Two other Regents were no able to attend: Fr. Joseph Le Minh, Regent of Vietnam, and Fr. Jamshed Albert, Regent of Pakistan. Fr. Marcio Couto, Assistant to the Master of the Order for the Intellectual Life, presided the meeting which was held at the University of Santo Tomas.
In the two-day and 13-hour meeting, the participants studied together the teachings on study of the latest General Chapter of the Order held in Rome in September 2010 and exchanged information and views on the place of study in their respective Dominican entity. Under the guidance of an expert on the matter, they also reflected on the method of analysis called SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), recommended by said General Chapter.
The meeting opened on January 21 with a Prayer led by Fr. Gomez, followed by the opening remarks of Fr. Couto. Through the day, the Regents presented the current situation of study in their respective Province or Vicariate. The over-all evaluation of study, an essential element of the Dominican charism, is substantially positive in all entities.
In the afternoon session of the first day, Fr. Couto shared with the Regents relevant information on DOMUNI, a Dominican website which aims at making theology courses available to as many people as possible through the use of internet. Up to now the programs offered are in French; soon some theological courses will also be offered in English. Fr. Couto asked for the cooperation of the Provinces of Asia Pacific in this promising endeavor. (By the way the Province of Spain with the help of the other Iberian Provinces presents and manages a successful website in Spanish.)
On the second day of the meeting, a resource person was invited to enlighten the Regents on the so-called SWOT analysis. Professor Gilda Resurreccion developed expertly the four steps of SWOT within the framework of strategic planning. The method seems to be a useful instrument often used in the corporate world to increase the strengths, reduce the weaknesses, use well the opportunities and neutralize the threats. Using the reports of the regents, professor Resurreccion pointed out strengths and weaknesses, and opportunities and threats. Finally, she proposed some specific strategies towards the development of intellectual life in the Provinces and Vicariate.
In the afternoon of the second day, Fr. Couto showed some statistics on the state of the Order and spoke of the need for interprovincial collaboration on the matter of study, including exchange of professors and students, etc. The Order is generally well in the Asia Pacific, with a growing number of vocations in Vietnam, India, the Philippines and Our Lady of the Rosary. The Province of Australia and New Zealand is also blooming in the Solomon Islands. For its part, the Chinese General Vicariate shows signs of hope too.
Also in the afternoon sessions, the Regents studied and discussed with Fr. Couto the provisions on study found in the Acts of the General Chapter of Rome 2010, particularly Chapter IV De Studio (nos. 83-127).
The final session of the meeting studied and approved certain proposals to be submitted to the meeting of the Provincials of the Asia Pacific Region to meet with Fr. Bruno Cadoré, Master of the Order of Preachers, at Caleruega, Batangas, Philippines on February 7-9, 2011. At this session, interprovincial collaboration in the Asia Pacific Region was underlined, in particular the possibility of pooling together resources of personnel and finances and removing obstacles which inhibit movement from one entity to another.

The final act of the meeting of Regents was the election of a new coordinator. Fr Paulson Deepak of India was elected new coordinator of the Regents of Studies of the Asia Pacific Region. He succeeds Fr. Fausto Gomez of Our Lady of the Rosary Province. The next meeting of the Regents of Studies of the Asia Pacific Region shall be held during the first part of 2013 and before the next General Chapter of the Order which will be held in September 2013.
The Assistant to the Master of the Order for Intellectual Life and the five Regents of Studies expressed their deep gratitude to Fr. Rolando de la Rosa, OP, Rector of the University of Sato Tomas for inviting them to have the meeting at UST; Fr. Rodel Aligan Prior of St. Thomas Aquinas Priory for providing them with board and lodging at the Priory, the UST Ecclesiastical Faculties for the use of their facilities for the meeting, and most particularly Joel Sagut, Secretary of the Ecclesiastical Faculties, who acted expertly as secretary of the meeting.
Fr. De la Rosa also invited Fr. Couto and the Regents to attend the ICUSTA International Conference which was held also at UST on January 25-27, 2011. (ICUSTA means International Council of Universities of Saint Thomas Aquinas.) Â The meeting of the Regents of Studies and the ICUSTA Conference were held in the University of Santo Tomas as part of the UST 400th Foundation Anniversary. Invited also by the UST Rector, the Regents attended the Grand Day of the 400th, that is, January 28, the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, Patron of the university. The Quadricentennial Grand Day was a superb testimony to the great 400-year history of the University of Santo Tomas. UST is the Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, the Catholic University of the Philippines, which was founded by Our Lady of the Rosary Province in 1611. (FGB)