On November 25, and during the Community Mass, Bro. Francis Naw San, OP, renewed his simple profession before Fr. José Luis de Miguel, OP, Prior of St. Dominic’s.

On December 15, 2014, Bro. Peter Zya Reh also renewed his simple profession before our Prior, F. Jose Luis and also during the morning Eucharistic Celebration.

Fr. Jose Luis encouraged Brothers Francis and Peter before renewing their simple profession to be faithful to their Dominican charism as good servants of our Father St. Dominic. Fr. Prior reminded us all of the privilege of being called, and encouraged us to be committed to our vocation to announce the Good News of Jesus.

In his Message for the Year of Consecrated Life (November 21, 2014), Pope Francis expects from us religious to be joyful, to wake up the world, to be experts in communion and to go to the peripheries of the world.

After renewing their simple profession Brothers Francis and Peter were warmly applauded on November 25 and December 15 respectively by the other 26 members of our Priory of St. Dominic.DSC_3585


Brothers, fraternal congratulations!