The Regents of Studies of the Asia/Pacific Region of the Order of Preachers met in Hong Kong at the end of September to reflect together on issues related to study and studies in the Region and in the Order.
On September 27-30, 2012, ten Dominican priests met at St. Albert’s Convent, Rosaryhill, to share information on the situation of studies in their respective Dominican Province or Vicariate, to explore new avenues for cooperation among them, and to offer comments on the Ratio Studiorum Generalis (RSG), or the general normative of studies, towards its updating and renewal. (By the way, study is one of the key elements – with prayer, fraternal life and preaching – of the Dominican charism.)
The meeting opened with a prayer led by Fr. Fausto Gomez. Fr. Vicente Sanchez, Prior of the Convent of St. Albert, Rosaryhill, welcomed the ten participants. Fr. Javier Gonzalez, Prior Provincial of the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary gave the opening remarks.
The first topic of the agenda was the presentations by the Regents. The seven Regents (or Deans) of Studies were led in their presentations and discussions by Fr. Michael Mascari, Assistant to the Master of the Dominican Order and accompanied by Fr. Jose Luis de Miguel and Fr. Thomas Nguyen. Fr. Jose Luis is the Moderator of Studies of St. Dominic Center of Studies of the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary in Macau-Hong Kong. Fr. Thomas is the Vice-Moderator of Studies of the Dominican Province of Vietnam. The presentation of the situation of study in the specific Province/Vicariate was done by the respective Regent.
The presentations of the Regents of Studies began with Fr. Mark O’Brien of the Province of Australia-New Zealand. After him, the otherRegents followed: Fr. Romulo Rodriguez of the Philippine Dominican Province; Fr. Nghi Dinh of the Province of Vietnam; Fr. Fausto Gomez of the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary; Fr. Paulson Kannampuzha of the Province of India; Fr. Philip Pan of the Chinese General Vicariate. Fr. James Channan of the Vice-Province of Pakistan closed the presentations.
The second part of the agenda focused on possible new ways and forms of cooperation among the seven entities. After a long and fruitful discussion the following resolutions were unanimously approved:
- The meeting resolved that a ‘data base’ of Dominican Professors in the region be drawn up, providing: their names, qualifications, and where and when these were obtained; area(s) of specialization; experience in teaching; availability for working in one or more of the CIS (Centers of Institutional Studies) of the region either full-time, or part-time, and for how long.
The various CIS of the region will access this ‘data base’ and can make requests through the normal Province channels for the services of one or more of these professors. The financial arrangement for any such collaboration would best be worked out between the particular CIS and professor.
- The meeting agreed that the Provinces of the region should commit themselves to exploring further areas of collaboration, for example, in an Inter-Province CIS or a Centre of Specialized Studies (e.g., interfaith dialogue). The next meeting will report on progress in this area.
- The meeting agreed that Provinces with the necessary financial resources should consider establishing one or more scholarships to help finance the study of English or other disciplines by Friars in the region.
- The meeting designated Fr. Mark O’Brien to draw up a proposal about ways of enhancing access to the library resources of the Order, and to present this to the Regents of the region. The Regents will then present the proposal to their respective Provincials and Councils for consideration.
The third part of the meeting considered proposals directed towards the updating of the RSG. Four questions had been sent to them earlier from the Office of the Master of the Order, Fr. Bruno Cadoré.
In a special session, Fr. Carlos Linera, OP, Promoter of Justice and Peace of the Order spoke to the participants on the so-called Salamanca Project of the Dominicans, which invites the whole Dominican Family to promote justice and peace not just theoretically but mainly practically. The project links reflection and action and action-reflection or Francisco de Vitoria and Bartolome de las Casas and vice-versa. Dominican study ought to be both: theory or reflection and praxis or positive action.
Before closing, the Regents voted Fr. Mark O’Brien as the new Coordinator of the group. He succeeds Fr. Paulson. They also resolved that the next meeting of the Regents of Studies will take place in Vietnam in about two years’ time.
The meeting ended with words of gratitude by Frs. Michael and Paulson, who closed the successful meeting with a prayer of gratitude and hope. The participants considered the meeting a successful meeting: a fruitful and enjoyable gathering of Dominican brothers committed to improve together with all the brothers the state of study, institutional studies, and the centers of study of the Order in the Asia and Pacific Region. (FGB)